In what's sure to come out as a
preparatory move for the
planned sequel the State Department has issued their annual human rights abuses report, and have taken the bold steps to condemn the actions of the
Kazakhstani government against their most famous "citizen",
Borat. The report states that the government has become increasingly restrictive on free speech, and uses the loss of
http://www.borat.kz/ in 2005 as one of its prime examples.
The long standing
oppression of Borat by the K
azakh government will not be unavenged by the US, who have vowed that they will not stop until every single K
azakhstani man, woman, and child has heard "Very nice!" screamed by a drunken frat boy at least 200 times, bringing them up to the level of first-world
Borat over saturation.
Borat seen as human rights victim by U.S. government