Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The Reason The Internet Exists
Just to remind us how to stay golden...
Golden Girls,
Theme Songs
Sirius to launch official background music station in Hell.

In a press release today, Sirius Satellite Radio announced that they had won the highly competitive bidding war with Muzak to provide the official background music in Hell.
"In the end Satan recognized our outside-the-box approach to talent acquisition and felt that we were the ones that could truly provide the ideal soundtrack for Eternal Damnation." Said Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin on a conference call.
"While Muzak's corporate culture is more in line with ours on paper, it's really the content that counts." Added Satan. "I guess you could say we're in this for the long haul, and we couldn't feel better about our decision. Content is king."
Why Do You Think You Are Nuts?
When our civilization lies in ruins and a team of alien archaeologists resuscitates the internet, I hope somehow this is the first thing they find.