You know what's funny about
Menudo (aside from the spandex, headwraps and Ricky Martin's red pants)...it's really a weird band name.
I'm sorry. I can get down with Maná or whatever...but Menudo? It's a soup with
parts of cow or pig that most people normally don't like to eat (except my dad...and
this guy).
Who started that discussion y'know?*
I can see it now...cue dream sequence...
Drunk underaged teenage guy: Oye hermanos, tengo un idea gran por un nombre de banda...
MENUDO. Entiende? Es como sopa pero...es sexy tambien.
No, it's not sexy. Not sexy at all.
Anyhow, long story short, MTV thinks it is and is launching a search for the next Menudo. I like the part that says that participants have to be 15 and "appear to be less than 19." I'm sure that'll get interesting.
*Ok, actually one of the dude's sisters did but I like my version better: "At the group's second rehearsal Díaz's sister entered the driveway of the house the group was rehearsing at, and puzzled by finding five young boys dancing and singing in the garage, she loudly exclaimed: '¡Qué mucho menudo hay aqui!' ('What a lot of young folk we have here!'); the phrase stuck, and the group was thus named Menudo."
**My friend
Jimmy adds that if you combine the stories then you could get something like "Young boy soup." Well, well, Ricky Martin...