That's right dear reader, your genius friends at Stereofork aren't simply snark-wielding ninjas - we're also Foucault-reading moffos creating some mind-blowing communication theory. Suck it.
But due to the fact that we don't have HST's contacts (both in the celebrity world and drug world), we've decided to innovate a new form of ghetto journalism we call simply: Drunk Journalism.
Drunk Journalism is the brainchild of Stereofork writer Scott who possesses the arcane ability to get completely wasted while reporting on events in 140 characters or less. We know what you're thinking, impossible. But yes, it's true. Pulitzer committee, we're awaiting your call.
This new form of writing ignores journalistic trivialities like "conflict of interest" or "correct grammar" and highlights the beauty of things like caps lock, tacos and virtual booty calling.
So, we now present you, the world's first article identified as "drunk journalism."
A brief offering simply titled "MSO 15 Y PARTY SC0T DRNK," the piece chronicles the goings on at a music publicity firm's 15 year anniversary party with both brevity and panache. Prepare yourself for the best thing to happen to the writing world since Don DeLillo got off anti-depressants.
1. drunk. 2. @ the Roxy. 3. MSO 15th yr party. 3. Santino from Project Runway is the coolest dude. EVER. 4. drunk 5. tacos are good. . 9:51 PM Feb 9th
was just talking mad shit about Smashing Pumpkins @ MSO party. Turns out Billy Corgan was 5 ft away the whole time. #Whoops. Luv u man! 9:56 PM Feb 9th from txt
1. still drunk. 2. billy corgan is tall. 3. girls are awesome. 4. santino is the coolest mofo ever. 5. you should make out with me. a lot. 11:04 PM Feb 9th from txt
· really sorry if you got crazy-ass tweets from my phone tonite. just got it back from this weird kid that found it in the bathroom. nuts. 11:10 PM Feb 9th from txt
Girl, why you trippin'?
NoNoNoNoNOOOO! GRACE JONES is no longer playing @ Coachella 2010. WHYGODWHY?!?! This seriously sucks BIG TIME. NO Grace?!?! FML!!! BLAAAH!
Oh! My best sighting of the night @ the Roxy: One of my all-time favorite drummers, Mr. CLEM BURKE. That dude is the jam forever. Scott:
had the best time @ the Roxy last night for the MSO party. I heart Alex Greenberg! And Santino Rice is seriously my new hero. So nice!
didnt even say anything mean about the Smashing Pumpkins last night. Just being overly nostalgic for the days of Gish & Siamese Dream. : /
Stay tuned for future installments... and/or simply follow Scott through the hyper links above.
the Stereofork Ph.D. committee