Saturday, March 31, 2007

Your Scene Sucks.

You snicker when you see them at Urban Outfitters and American Apparel, you speed up your "just browsing" when you see them at the thrift store, you grudgingly accept their presence at vegetarian restaurants, and above all else, you feel curmudgeonly and confused when they're at the same shows as you.

It's the cycle of life. The wheel of hipster dharma. The not-so-sad realization that you can't relate to these spry little douche piles, which in turn leads to the painful, ironically adult realization that they're the ones that will have to save (or not save) your bitter, wrinkled ass in the next 30-40 years, since by then your parents' generation will have long since bankrupted Social Security.

But there's a way out of this.

I propose we pool the oldster resources of our slightly gainful employment and develop cell phones that are powered by the kinetic energy generated by text messaging and mobile web navigation, and by the absorption of thermal energy from grubby little scenster hands.

The phones, of course, will connected only to a virtual internet inside Second Life. If you stop typing, your phone dies and you lose all of your (virtual) virtual assets like Myspace booty calls and Flickr accounts. Excess power generated by the phones will be sold back to the grid. Web 3.0: The Matrix, bitch.

All proceeds will then be invested in a blanket IRA account for anyone that's ever owned a Ned's Atomic Dustbin album.

Friday, March 30, 2007

WB Brings Reaping Marketing Push To New Level With Real Life Plagues

In what the red states will surely see as a judgement from God on y'all heathens in LaLa Land, a quick-moving brush fire has broken out by the WB offices in Burbank. WB is staying open as fire fighters try to extinguish the flames, encouraging their employees to stay low to the ground as they type.

Warner's marketing department, smitten with the power of achieving one miracle promoting the release from the increasingly choosy actress Hilary Swank announced that next week Century City can expect their water supply to turn to blood unless the film opens to at least 30 million.

LIVE: Brush Fire Burns In Hollywood Hills

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Datarock Says Party Like It's 1993

The Nu-Rave craze
currently rocking Europe has brought back the 90's in all of its day-glo glory and one of the bands getting NME love along with the Klaxons and Shitdisco right now is the Norweigian band Datarock. They played the increasingly cool club Safari Sam's on Tuesday to a crowd, putting on a fantastic set full of dance-worthy tunes from their self titled album.

They're playing a sold out show with Scanners tonight at Spaceland, there are still a few tickets for sale at the door so be sure to get there early. The tour continues on for a few more dates, with more to be announced.

28.03, USA, Los Angeles, Spaceland
29.03, USA, San Francisco, Mezzanine
30.03, USA, Philadelphia, Pure
31.03, USA, Brooklyn, Studio B

Computer Camp Love

Datarock - official site

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


There are times when we need to be sold on a band...other times those of us with say, David Bowie fetishes and an extensive collection of Anais Nin books are simply won over without question by any artist who manages to combine good looks with a lack of nutrition, sexual ambiguity, a British accent and a few synths. And today's winner is IAMX AKA Chris Corner, formerly of the Sneaker Pimps.

Is his music great? Yes. Is that the main point. Nope. The point is Corner is the kind of guy/thing/creature who makes us want to do bad things to electrical objects. Well, not really, because then we'd electrocute ourselves - but what we mean doesn't matter...he's just hot. And if we were younger and not concerned about things like "ethics" or "the clap", we would certainly make an effort to star fluff him.

In the meantime, we'll just stare at Corner and imagine what it feels like to be the razor that shaves his chest. Here are some photos from the L.A. show on 3/26 at Safari Sam's. Fans were crazy, we were drunk, it was fab. Ps. you can see Bill Gates ghost in the blue picture. Yeah, he's that good.

photos by sandy serrano

America's Favorite Aging Alternative Icon Returns.

The new season of the Henry Rollins Show on IFC kicks off on 4/13.

Guest interviews will include Marilyn Manson, Iggy Pop, John Waters, and Ben Stiller in addition to musical performances by Iggy & The Stooges, Mars Volta, Ryan Adams, Placebo, and Peaches.

Rollins fanboys should also set their DVR's for the 4/13 airing of Henry Rollins: Uncut From Israel on IFC, which will document two nights of spoken word in Tel Aviv.

Hank will also be involved in a "cultural commentary performance" with actress/comedian Janeane Garofalo entitled It's Not A Play And There's No Music. I think they might talk about George Bush.

The show will run for six nights at New York's Gramercy Theatre (April 10-15) and at Los Angeles' Silent Movie Theatre (April 24-29).

You like how I just gave up on trying to marginally reword the NME article at the end there?

"The Point Here Timmy... that Jesus created evolution
and then the dinosaurs ate everyone.

And also, contrary to popular belief,
people who drive Fords apparently
do have a sense of humor."

Man, are we good at educating, or what?!
Check out that sweet, succinct critical pedagogy...
Chomsky, watch out...

Prada Tastefully Tells iPhone To Suck It

Realizing that there are some phone shoppers that may need something-a-little-less-Scarfacey, Prada announced that they will be gracing the mobile market with a new, completely unrelated to the iPhone, sleek device.

Retailing for between $400 and $500, the phone will hit the US market later this year. At least this phone will make for a nicer-looking snack after a few drinks.

The PRADA phone by LG

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hot Hot Heat post new track on Myspace.

What worse fate could there be than to toil in a band forever chasing that elusive post-ironic, pseudo-indie crossover dance hit?

Perhaps being in said band, fronted by a guy with quite possibly the most infuriating white boy afro this side of Wolfmother?

Now that's some fucking whack ass 2002 shit. Here's how the white boy afro is done in '07. Take notes.

Motorola to introduce the iPhone's slutty friend.

Hoping to capitalize on some of the pent up sexual frustration of all you iPhone lusting geek chics, Motorola could introduce the hotter, cheaper, less sophisticated, and more er... available LAZR as soon as next week.

Just imagine how foxy you'll look nonchalantly chatting on one of these while rubbing your thighs together at the clinic. RAWR.

The Offline Guitar Archive

In an effort to spite aspiring musicians that can't learn things by ear, the National Music Publishers Association has served up a cease and desist letter to the user-generated guitar tab repository, OLGA.

People that spend hours butchering Metallica solos at Guitar Center are bummed.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

B@mbi Like You've Never Seen Her Before!!!

All we're doing is linking you to the story.

Which means we're not "asserting" anything,
we're just "juxtaposing"
which is like
"totally legal"
as opposed to
"barely legal."

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I Am Not In Austin

Yes, the rumors are true: I am not in Austin for SXSW right now. As hard as that sobering fact is to believe, it's true. But I'm OK, really I am. Just because I'm not backstage at Amy Winehouse's showcase at Eternal tonight, or, for that matter, getting blazed with Slug from Atmosphere at Emo's while Denmark electro-delic dream-hoppers Under Byen are hypnotizing hipsters, there's no cause for alarm. No, I won't be at Stubb's when Bloc Party faces the heat of an underperforming second album and all sorts of questions about Kele's sexuality at Stubb's ’round midnight. I will most definitely miss nu-school shoegazers Asobi Seksu when they get blissy with it at The Parish II (1AM). I will miss each and every show by any band that bloggers ad infinitum will have you believe are the Second Coming of (insert iconic band name here) and saviors of all that is good music for at least the next couple of weeks. I'll see none of it. Unless, of course, it ends up on YouTube. God, I need a drink...

Sellin' Out...

It feels icky when I have to hear Iggy pimp himself out to Carnival Cruise lines (Lust for life + seniors on vacation is NOT punk yo')...but I can appreciate some no name band lending their tunes to hock y'know....whatever. And that's where sites like this come in handy......hear a song, find it here.

Now would someone please tell me what the electro track playing on the new Cadillac Escalade is?

Thanks, mgmt.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Jake Gyllenhaal to Prove His Manly Hetrosexuality In New Spandex-Intensive Role

David Fincher's favorite whipping boy is finalizing a deal with New Line that will have him starring in a big screen send up of DC's Captain Marvel, ending the years of teasing his hordes of comic-loving fans with the possibility of seeing him screaming "Shazam!" in red tights.

Gyllenhaal will finally have a chance to put behind him the Lance Armstrong-loving, baby-hating, drag-wearing image that he's spent the last few years developing and find that tough guy that he's been looking for.

This takes us all one step closer to seeing Jake swooping in to save his Katie Holmes-annihilating sister in some on screen magic that would elicit a mix of wonder and "Aww.." from an audience blown away by just how darn cute those Gyllenhaal kids are.

Unicorns Get D.U.I.s Too

Just because you have a little 'corn on your head and inspire millions of five-year-old girls, a grip of LARPers and a few hipsters, that does not give you license to get wasted, crash into a light post and then use some poor guy (with five previous D.U.I. convictions) as a scape goat. You hear me, Mr. Unicorn?!!! You are sick. Sick, I tell you! That's right. Who's feeling magical now suckah.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Love Of Diagrams Prep New Album, Tour With Ted Leo

It would seem that the loss of NYC post-punkers Interpol to the majors has left perennial indie outfit Matador Records feeling a little lacking in the "something gloomy you can dance to" department (sorry Belle And Sebastian.. we love you, but we've chosen darkness). Enter new signees Love Of Diagrams. The trio, hailing from Melbourne, Australia, fuses the angularism of Gang Of Four and PiL with Antonia Sellbach's call-and-response vocals that harken back to glory days of no-wave (think The Slits/The Au Pairs with a dash of Siouxsie Sioux for good measure). With an ever-growing list of prominent bands they've supported (Sonic Youth, Electrelane, Stereolab, etc.) and their forthcoming album Mosaic (due April 10th) generating healthy buzz in the blogosphere, we predict big things in 2007 for these modern lovers.

Tourdates (all shows w/ Ted Leo And The Pharmacists):

03-28 Philadelphia, PA - Theatre of Living Arts
03-29 Washington, DC - 9:30 Club
03-30 Carrboro, NC - Cat's Cradle
03-31 Atlanta, GA - Variety Playhouse
04-01 Orlando, FL - Social
04-02 Miami, FL - Studio A
04-04 Baton Rouge, LA - Chelsea's Cafe
04-05 Houston, TX - Numbers
04-06 Dallas, TX - Gypsy Ballroom
04-07 Austin, TX - La Zona Rosa
04-09 Tempe, AZ - Clubhouse
04-10 San Diego, CA - Epicentre
04-12 Los Angeles, CA - El Rey Theatre
04-13 Los Angeles, CA - El Rey Theatre
04-14 San Francisco, CA - Slim's
04-16 Portland, OR - Hawthorne Theatre
04-17 Seattle, WA - Showbox Showroom
04-18 Vancouver, British Columbia - Richard's on Richards
04-20 Boise, ID - Venue
04-21 Salt Lake City, UT - Club Sound at In the Venue
04-22 Englewood, CO - Gothic Theatre
04-23 Lawrence, KS - Bottleneck
04-25 Minneapolis, MN - First Avenue
04-26 Madison, WI - Club 770
04-27 Iowa City, IA - Picador
04-28 Chicago, IL - Metro
04-30 Detroit, MI - Magic Stick
05-02 Toronto, Ontario - Mod Club
05-03 Montreal, Quebec - La Sala Rossa
05-04 Boston, MA - Avalon
05-05 New York, NY - Webster Hall

Listen: Love Of Diagrams - "The Pyramid" (from their forthcoming album Mosaic) (Official Site) (Myspace)
Matador Records

Black Sheep Moan

Following in the great tradition of films from New Zealand, the New Zealand Film Commission is going to take the zombie film in a direction that had only previously been suggested by British scientists with the release of Black Sheep.

From the movie's synopsis: "On a vast New Zealand sheep station, a reckless genetic engineering experiment goes horribly wrong, turning sheep into bloodthirsty killers." This may not seem especially scary in parts of the world such as Los Angeles where sheep per capita is relatively low, but in places like New Zealand, where sheep outnumber people 12 to 1, or in sheep-baiting vehicles parked at the drive-in, it's a real cause for fear. The synopsis didn't mention if a zombified Chris Farley ends up as delicious sheep fodder in the flick.

Check out the trailer for all the fuzzy frights.

Black Sheep - trailer

Black Sheep - official website

Friday, March 9, 2007

SXSWould You Pls Stop Emailing Me

If you're one of those classy music industry peeps whose job isn't paying for you to go to SXSW (and ergo you're not going) - then you're probably playing chill right now, talking to your friends about how you "hate crowds" and are planning on "going to CMJ" instead.

Also, you're probably reeeeeeallly annoyed by now as you get your 5,000th p.r. email detailing what crappy bands are playing which crappy showcase. It almost makes you want to set your email to autorespond with: I'M NOT GOING OK?

Keeping that in mind, our own Bryan IS actually going (and a total sell-out) and will be posting later on re. our official Stereofork activities at SXXXSW.

Dudes, We Are So L337

"We're SO 2.0!...
Now give me a trillion dollars."

1f ur a web g33k, u'll f1nd th1s h1lar:

web 2.0 generator

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Average attention span of Italian GNR fans? 13 Years.

"Sha-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-no album!"

Italian GNR fan site,, is shutting down in protest of Chinese Democracy not being released on March 6th as previously promised by Axl Rose, citing a "lack of respect, clearness, and mutual loyalty."

However, teaching Axl such a hard, albeit well deserved lesson comes with a steep price. The "community of 3500 users who have been maintaining daily relationships and friendship through this website for many years" will now have to seek refuge on the hundreds of other GNR fan sites on the web.

But more interestingly, are these guys all just hanging out pissing on a wall or what?

Menudo: Parte Dos: Mas Tripa, Menos Musica

You know what's funny about Menudo (aside from the spandex, headwraps and Ricky Martin's red pants)'s really a weird band name.

I'm sorry. I can get down with Maná or whatever...but Menudo? It's a soup with parts of cow or pig that most people normally don't like to eat (except my dad...and this guy).

Who started that discussion y'know?*
I can see it now...cue dream sequence...

Drunk underaged teenage guy: Oye hermanos, tengo un idea gran por un nombre de banda...
MENUDO. Entiende? Es como sopa sexy tambien.

No, it's not sexy. Not sexy at all.
Anyhow, long story short, MTV thinks it is and is launching a search for the next Menudo. I like the part that says that participants have to be 15 and "appear to be less than 19." I'm sure that'll get interesting.

*Ok, actually one of the dude's sisters did but I like my version better: "At the group's second rehearsal Díaz's sister entered the driveway of the house the group was rehearsing at, and puzzled by finding five young boys dancing and singing in the garage, she loudly exclaimed: '¡Qué mucho menudo hay aqui!' ('What a lot of young folk we have here!'); the phrase stuck, and the group was thus named Menudo."

**My friend Jimmy adds that if you combine the stories then you could get something like "Young boy soup." Well, well, Ricky Martin...

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

New iTunes 7.1 Features Full Screen CoverFlow

Christmas came late (or reaaaaly early?) for us Mac users who have their systems set-up to automatically detect updates -- a new version of iTunes came down the ol' digital chimney the other day that allows for FULL SCREEN CoverFlow. Simply click the new icon that has appeared to the right of the CoverFlow control bar and the scroller goes full screen with your album artwork becoming larger than the average size CD (think about as big as a 45 RPM record sleeve). It's nice to see that somebody still cares about album artwork in the age of digital downloads and dwindling record sales.


New Uffie Track - "Dismissed"

We're still far from a full length album from precocious potty mouth Uffie via Ed Banger, but in the meantime here is the newest song from the French/American electro rapper, again produced by longtime boyfriend/DJ/blocker feadz.

*from her earlier Hot Chick ep here a few more

In Charge

Hot Chick

US Government Condemns Real Country's Former Actions Against Fake Person From Different Country

In what's sure to come out as a preparatory move for the planned sequel the State Department has issued their annual human rights abuses report, and have taken the bold steps to condemn the actions of the Kazakhstani government against their most famous "citizen", Borat. The report states that the government has become increasingly restrictive on free speech, and uses the loss of in 2005 as one of its prime examples.

The long standing oppression of Borat by the Kazakh government will not be unavenged by the US, who have vowed that they will not stop until every single Kazakhstani man, woman, and child has heard "Very nice!" screamed by a drunken frat boy at least 200 times, bringing them up to the level of first-world Borat over saturation.

Borat seen as human rights victim by U.S. government

It's Just A Flesh Wound

In an attempt to become the 'Black Knight' of the underground hip-hop game, Definitive Jux rhyme-smith Aesop Rock has released the title track from his forthcoming release "None Shall Pass" (due out "early 2007"). The track shows up on the new Def Jux compilation "Definitive Swim" (a collaboration between Definitive Jux and Adult Swim). We're not sure if brother Aesop has been turning to the classic 1975 comedy "Monty Python And The Holy Grail" for lyrical inspiration, but we do know that the new album features John Darnielle of the Mountain Goats -- and that movie had at least, like, one or two goats in it (not to mention a killer rabbit and invisible horses), so they're totally related.

Listen: Aesop Rock - "None Shall Pass"

Aesop Rock (Definitive Jux) (Myspace)

Guess You're Stuck With Hearing Common People On Your iPod

Here's your dreams for a Pulp reunion. Here's Jarvis Cocker smashing those dreams into a million pieces or...making a catchy statement for rhetorical effect just so NME will cover it. Here's me having his babies anyway. Don't hate.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Cold Case Files: The Big Bopper

The remains of the Big Bopper were recently exhumed and an autposy performed to dispel the rumor that he had actually survived the plane crash and died looking for help.

Jay Richardson, aka Big Bopper Jr., was on-site and not only watched forensic anthropologist, Dr. Bill Bass, open the coffin, but subsequently observed his examination. "Dad still amazes me 48 years after his death, that he was in remarkable shape," Richardson said. Um... Creepy?

Said Bass, "There are fractures from head to toe. Massive fractures. (He) died immediately. He didn't crawl away. He didn't walk away from the plane."

Now, I'm no expert, but do you think anyone could have walked away from this?

Jarvis and Beth Ditto at the NME awards.

You know how when you have multiple groups of friends organized into neat, tidy categories, and then somehow people from the different groups start hanging out and things get weird...?

Cursive premieres "Big Bang" video.

Aging indie rockers are stoked. Oh, er... And I'm stoked too.

Catch Cursive with Mastodon, Against Me!, and lots of goatees, facial piercings, and body odor in the perhaps the strangest tour of the spring:

May 1 - Los Angeles, CA @ Wiltern LG
May 2 - San Francisco, CA @ Warfield
May 4 - Portland, OR @ Roseland Ballroom
May 5 - Seattle, WA @ The Fenix
May 6 - Boise, ID @ Big Easy
May 8 - Denver, CO @ Fillmore Auditorium
May 11 - Minneapolis, MN @ The Myth
May 12 - Chicago, IL @ Riviera Theatre
May 13 - Detroit, MI @ State Theatre
May 14 - Cleveland, OH @ House of Blues
May 15 - Toronto, ON @ Kool Haus
May 17 - New York, NY @ Roseland Ballroom
May 18 - Philadelphia, PA @ Electric Factory
May 19 - Boston, MA @ Avalon
May 21 - Columbus, OH @ Lifestyles Pavilion
May 22 - Cincinnati, OH @ Bogart’s
May 23 - Baltimore, MD @ Sonar
May 25 - Orlando, FL @ House of Blues
May 26 - Atlanta, GA @ Tabernacle

Voxtrot To Release Full Length, Tour US

Austin natives Voxtrot are finally set to release a full length album through Playlouder/Beggars records on May 22nd, no longer teasing us with the greatness of their numerous EPs (3 EPs and 7 Seven Inches!). The prolific Moz lovers are then following up by kicking off their headlining tour of the US, which goes through June. Victor Van Vugt (who also produced Nick Cave and Depeche Mode) produced the album for the band, which frontman Ramesh Srivastava described as being "sonically a bit more adventurous" than the band's previous EPs. So modest.

Catch them if you can:
03/12 - Austin, TX - La Zona Rosa
03/14 - Austin, TX - SXSW (inside Emos)
03/15 - Austin, TX - SXSW (outside Emos)
03/22 - Mexico City - Pasaguero
05/25 - Austin, TX - Emos
05/27 - Phoenix, AZ - Anderson's Fifth Estate
05/29 - Los Angeles, CA - El Rey
05/30 - San Francisco, CA - Great American Music Hall
06/01 - Portland, OR - Doug Fir
06/02 - Seattle, WA - Crocodile
06/05 - Minneapolis, MN - Triple Rock
06/06 - Grand Rapids, MI - Intersection
06/07 - Detroit, MI - Magic Stick
06/08 - Toronto, ON - Sneaky Dees
06/09 - Montreal, QC - La Sala Rossa
06/10 - Buffalo, NY - Mohawk Place
06/11 - Cleveland, OH - Beachland Ballroom
06/12 - Baltimore, MD - Ottobar
06/13 - Washington, DC - Black Cat
06/14 - Boston, MA - Middle East
06/15 - New York, NY - Webster Hall
06/16 - Philadelphia, PA - Pure (Making Time)

Mothers, Sisters, Daughters & Wives

Massive Mothers (mashup) - mashup of above song with Teardrop, amazing!

Rise Up In The Dirt

Monday, March 5, 2007

Fountains of Wayne aren't ones to mess with semi-success.

Denise, Stacy's Mom, and now... Yolanda Hayes?

The unholy trinity of almost charming singles with women's names in the title is finally complete.

RIAA bitch slaps internet radio.

According to a recent decision by the US Copyright Royalty Board, webcast royalty rates will increase by 37.5% in 2007 and there will also be a $500 per station minimum fee.

So what does this mean?

Essentially, say goodbye to Pandora, Radio Paradise, Live 365, and pretty much any other internet radio station operating in the US.

But all is not lost. is UK based, so they'll still be more than happy to host your shitty internet radio feed that nobody listens to. Cheerio.

Make My "Volta" A Venti, Please

Is she talking about a new album or the latest addition to the Starbucks menu? Bjork on her upcoming release "Volta" (due out May 7th):

"Because I'd done two or three projects in a row that were quite serious, maybe I just needed to get that out of my system or something. So all I wanted to do for this album was just to have fun and do something that was full-bodied and really up."

Maybe if we stop taking her seriously (as she is imploring us to do), it'll all make sense. Until then, one can only imagine that "Volta" will be the perfect morning compliment to a cruller and a copy of the New York Times.


McNuggets Now With 20% More Beak

If you didn't have enough reason to avoid McDonald's, here you go.

Geico Abandons Insurance Altogether For Shot At Small Screen

Following in the sweeping success of Fox's "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader?" ABC announced plans to bring viewers down to an even lower level of intelligence with the show "Caveman", based on the characters featured in Geico's current ads.

It will show the cavemen living in Atlanta, dealing with normal everyday problems like holding a job, figuring out relationships, and trying to follow the dialogue of Studio 60.


Hey Choir, Check Out This Sweet Sermon

We noticed some Silversun Pickups advertisements on bus benches in Los Feliz this weekend. It was sentimentally cool and yet from a marketing perspective, isn't the East side like the last place you need to advertise Silversun Pickups?

Sunday, March 4, 2007

NAACP Gives Award To White Guy Who Isn't Bill Clinton

Oh Bono, you know you're doin' something right when you can be pale as sheet and get a big award and standing ovation from a NAACP crowd. Can I get an Amen?

Ps. How stoked is Arnold Schwarzenegger that Bono ain't an U.S. citizen. I mean, for reals. The guy lobbies, minorities (do we still use that term?) like him, he's got an intelligible accent, a relevant music career, no apparent sex scandals and a line of clothes at the Gap. The guy is more wholesome than the whole Christian coalition AND he's partied with Prince.
Simply magical.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Subliminal Posting

Does anyone else find it funny that Ryan's two bands of the day were "The Jealous Girlfriends" and "The Blow"?

That being said, my next two bands are going to be "George Clooney Is My Secret Boyfriend" and "The High Sex Drives." Thank you.

The Blow

The Blow are lead vocalist Khaela Maricich and producer Jona Bechtolt, the two have been working on the project since the release of their 2004 EP "Poor Aim: Love Songs". Khaela's vocals bounce over Jon's glitch-pop beats, producing a sing-song melody that draws you into a world where the only thing that exists are karaoke, beers, and group hugs.

If you live on the East coast check out one of their upcoming live shows, it's a mix of spoken word performance art (Khaela's background is in performance art and paper sculptures) and broken hearted dance party moves. Fun stuff.

Mar 2 2007 8:00P Sarah Lawrence College Bronxville, New York
Mar 3 2007 8:30P Fordham University Bronx, New York
Mar 5 2007 10:00P Williams College Williamstown, Massachusetts
Mar 6 2007 7:30P Alumnae Ballroom Wellesley, Massachusetts
Mar 7 2007 7:00P NYU - Shorin Auditorium New York, New York
Mar 8 2007 10:00P Haverford College - Lunt Haverford, Pennsylvania
Mar 9 2007 7:30P First Unitarian Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Jealous Girlfriends

The Jealous Girlfriends are a Brooklyn based quartet that formed in 2004, made up of band members Josh Abbott, Alex Lipsen, Holly Miranda, and Mike Fadem. If you're have Showtime then you've probably heard their songs featured on the show ""The L Word". A dreamy and lush sound exudes through their songs, blending complex guitar work with layered vocals. The songs shift tones dramatically depending on who is carrying lead vocals, with Josh and Holly sharing duties.

The band defines their sound as "Elmo-Porn Yatch Rock", which comes across in their songs as a type of genre-crossing shoegazing rock that endears and sticks with you. Fans of Matt Pond PA and the Rosebuds should take note of this band.

You can find their first EP on CD Baby and their new full length via paypal. They have a new 7" coming out via these are not records which can be purchased through either their website or at their upcoming shows.

4/11 Union Hall, Brooklyn, NY
4/14 Maxwells, Hoboken, NJ
4/20 Glasslands, Brooklyn, NY
5/2 Mercury Lounge, NYC, NY
5/16 The Khyber, Philadelphia, PA

The Pink Wig To My Salieri

The Jealous Girlfriends
The Jealous Girlfriends MySpace

Pearl Jam invents time machine.

First stop for these intrepid time travellers? Lollapalooza, 1992.

Clad in his 14-hole Doc Martens, cut-off jean shorts, thermals, and flannel shirt "time suit," Eddie Vedder proclaimed at a press conference yesterday, "After millions of dollars in funding and countless sleepless nights, we're finally ready to go back and make things right. For us."

"The notions of temporal paradox and the uncontrollable spawning of alternate realities ripping the fabric of the space-time continuum was definitely a concern, but we've already sent the Counting Crows back to Woodstock '94 and all signs are positive." Added a noticeably giddy Jeff Ament.

The band declined to comment on whether or not their monumental breakthrough would ever help them make a decent follow up to Ten.

Just Like My Little Pony...Minus The Pony

My Little Airport are a band we're sure you've never heard of, unless you live in China, literally. This girl and boy two piece craft adorable electropop songs sort of in the vein of Blonde Redhead and Stereolab - I'm sure Ryan will add more references here because I'm really not a connoisseur of bands that sound even remotely happy. However, with Casio jams and Engrish sounding song titles like, "Leo, are you still jumping out of windows in expensive clothes?" not to mention "失落沮喪歌" - it's hard not to love them.

We'd add more info. from their website except we can't read Chinese so just check out this track and go look at how cute they are.

Recommended track: Victor, Fly Me To Stafford

My Little Airport

iPod coverflow update coming soon?

It's only 18 seconds with no sound and likely fake, but I still managed to rub one out.

Wasn't even close, actually.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

We're not calling it a comeback.

Even after releasing a capitulatory Greatest Hit album last year, it seems that somebody thought for some reason that the Jamiroquai guy was, like, an active musician or something and that he was going to retire, but, like, he's really not on either count or something.

It's like the walls are falling in my mind. And the couches are moving, and there's a crow on the ceiling and bugs on the floor.

It's like things are big that should be small. I can't see. I can't breathe. It’s a crazy world we’re living in.

Samuel Jackson Breaks Stereotype By Making No Effort To Defeat Snakes In New Film

We here at Stereofork had just managed to drink away the memory of the Internet phenom known as Snakes On A Highly Unlikely Location when we saw the trailer for this movie. The minute and a half trailer convinced us that: (a) we have no idea what it's about and (b) "Why do you have that white girl chained up?" is going to make us long for the days of getting motherfucking things off motherfucking other things, as The New Catchphrase quickly tears through the country.

Of course we're getting hammered and seeing it this weekend.

New White Stripes album in the can, as it were.

At first blush I thought it was going to be called Icky Lump. I'm sure I'm not alone in my disappointment upon reading it correctly. But I digress...

Check out this highly informative video preview, too:

Lazy Journalist Inserts Cheeky Drug Reference Headline Here

Why is it that Placebo make me feel the same way New Kids on the Block did in 1990? I don't know. But here's the part where I boast some indie cred: when I was backstage at the Dodger Stadium NKOTB show in 8th grade, I met Marky Mark and he had airbrushed overalls on. Mm, I think I just felt your jealousy ping.

Anyhow listen, Placebo's new album Meds is stellar (it features duets with Alison from the Kills and Michael Stipe from you know what) and it's been grossly overlooked here in the States. Listen to tracks and their brill take on Kate Bush's classic "Running Up That Hill": here. Trust us.

As for the tour, here are the dates where you can expect to see me, Ryan and a bunch of 17-year-old girls in the front row ready to offer Brian Molko, Stef Olsdal and Steve Hewitt our virginity* and eyeliner.


Fri Apr 6 Roxy Boston, MA
Sat Apr 7 Metropolis Montreal, QC
Mon Apr 9 Guvernment Toronto, ON
Tue Apr 10 Theater of the Living Arts Philadelphia, PA
Wed Apr 11 Roseland New York, NY
Fri Apr 13 House of Blues Chicago, IL
Wed Apr 14 Beaumont Club Kansas City, MO
Sun Apr 15 Pizza Hut Park Frisco, TX
Wed Apr 18 Fillmore Denver, CO
Sat Apr 21 The Fenix Seattle, WA
Sun Apr 22 Roseland Portland, OR
Mon Apr 23 Fillmore San Francisco, CA
Thu Apr 26 House of Blues Las Vegas, NV
Fri Apr 27 Marquee Theater Tempe, AZ
Sun Apr 29 Empire Polo Field Indio, CA

*That should just say my virginity, Ryan's kind of a ho.

Underrated Goodness

A.) We read so much $#!t on 30 Rock that when we actually bothered to watch the show and discovered it is quote "rad" - we wanted to impale bloggers. Now that we're bloggers, we can simply impale ourselves and encourage you to check out the show. Oh, and look, we have no advertisers so you know this is legit.

B.) The Gray Kid's song "Oh My" will be featured on tonight's episode and his rhymes are sweet like cotton candy. Plus, he's deft at double fisting and flexing biceps which is always a key trait in artists we endorse.
