There are times when we need to be sold on a band...other times those of us with say, David Bowie fetishes and an extensive collection of Anais Nin books are simply won over without question by any artist who manages to combine good looks with a lack of nutrition, sexual ambiguity, a British accent and a few synths. And today's winner is IAMX AKA Chris Corner, formerly of the Sneaker Pimps.
Is his music great? Yes. Is that the main point. Nope. The point is Corner is the kind of guy/thing/creature who makes us want to do bad things to electrical objects. Well, not really, because then we'd electrocute ourselves - but what we mean is...it doesn't matter...he's just hot. And if we were younger and not concerned about things like "ethics" or "the clap", we would certainly make an effort to star fluff him.
In the meantime, we'll just stare at Corner and imagine what it feels like to be the razor that shaves his chest. Here are some photos from the L.A. show on 3/26 at Safari Sam's. Fans were crazy, we were drunk, it was fab. Ps. you can see Bill Gates ghost in the blue picture. Yeah, he's that good.

photos by sandy serrano
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