Monday, May 21, 2007

Geeks Gone Wild: USB Mini Fridge

If you don’t happen to do the majority of your computing within 50 ft. of a refrigerator or vending machine, and/or you're really fucking lazy, and/or you have nothing better to spend your money on, this should be right up your alley.

I'm holding out for the 40oz. version. In the meantime, I'll be busy with my Hello Kitty USB Aquarium, thankyouverymuch.

Pitchfork interviews Sir Pole.

For those of you that just want the bullet points, here's the unabridged Stereofork synopsis:

Pitchfork: May we kiss your bum?
McCartney: I was in the Beatles!

Pitchfork: May we kiss your bum?
McCartney: I was in the Beatles!

Pitchfork: May we kiss your bum?
McCartney: I was in the Beatles!

Pitchfork: May we kiss your bum?
McCartney: I was in the Beatles!

Pitchfork: Thank you for your time. It's been an honour to ask you a bunch of self-serving questions. God bless.
McCartney: I was in the Beatles!

Didn't even fucking ask about Starbucks. Way to keep it real for the people.

I'm Going To Marry A British Ya'all

Just so I can have a kid who talks like this...

(and why this is so funny to me, I have no idea. but Oh. It IS)