Thursday, April 5, 2007

This Week In Useless Degrees

Do you love our country, happen to be Republican but are too scared shitless to go join the military? Then check out these sweet degrees in Homeland Security from some online university no one's ever heard of! You'll wow your friends with your knowledge of how to effectively quarantine strangers, differentiate a code yellow from a code orange and spot Muslims anywhere at anytime. You'll also get an extra dollar an hour when you land your bitchin' cargo job at JetBlue. Sweet! Check out your classes! Do I smell some fun frat parties or what?!

Core Courses (27 semester hours)
CJ395 - EDM 220 - Emergency Planning
GM160 - HLS 211 - Emergency Response to Terrorism
GM260 - HLS 212 - Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Hazard
GM261 - HLS 213 - Weapons of Mass Destruction Incident Command
IR310 - HLS 101 - Homeland Defense
MM325 - EDM 340 - Consequence Management
SS460 - POL 410 – Public Policy
SS489 - HLS 301 – Homeland Security Organization
RQ300 - COL 300 - Research, Analysis, and Writing

Major Courses (12 semester hours)
Take four (4) of the following courses:
CJ370 - SCM 370 – Principles and Theory of Security Issues
CJ373 - SCM373 – Risk Analysis and Loss Prevention
CJ410 - HLS311 – Border and Coastal Security
CS305 - ISS 362 – IT Security: Attack and Defense
GM263 - HLS 215 – Regulatory Issues in Weapons of Mass Destruction
GM316 - ISS 381 – Cyber Law and Privacy in the Digital Age
IR311 - HLS104 – Chemical and Biological Defense
IS102 - HLS 153 – The International Terrorist
IS201 - HLS 225 – Intermediate Terrorism
IS310 - INT 433 - Threat Analysis
IS349 - HLS 320 – Intelligence and Homeland Security
IS386 - INT 423 – Cyber Warfare
MC406 - TLM 381 – Hazardous Materials Management
MC444 - EDM 420 – Risk Communications
MC445 - HLS 312 – Port Security
MC491- FSC 321 - Community Fire Mitigation and Protection
MC495 - FSC 405 - Fire Safety and Risk Reduction
PY431 - PSY 431 - Psychology of Disaster
RQ313 - INT 315 - Foreign Intelligence Organizations
SC403 - EDM 240 - Chemistry of Hazardous Materials
SS440 - HCM 426 - Quarantine