Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Peter O'Toole: Still Strangely Attractive

Before Jeremy Irons cornered the market on British actors both hot and creepy, there was Peter O'Toole. The original Shakespearean perv.

I was rooting for O'Toole to win the Oscar this past Sunday even though I just saw Venus today. Why? Because every other nominee has at least another 40 years in them (I'm pretty sure), his legacy of work is astounding and an honorary Oscar just isn't good enough. Having seen Venus now, I can safely say my intuition was on point by supporting him for the Oscar. And sadly, I don't know if he'll get another shot.

The movie was amazingly dynamic, hilarious and existentially thought provoking. Should I be disturbed that I was actually empathizing with the chemistry between him and his twenty-something co-star? I'm not sure. But I was finding myself strangely attracted to him and that blows all you fools on your "Helen Mirren is hot" bandwagon out of the water by at least three decades.

There's something about O'Toole that reminds me of old Hollywood and living in L.A., it's easy to yearn for those days. Oh well, at least I have the double features at the New Beverly to console myself with.

Go see Venus at the Laemmle on Sunset while you can.